Webinar Q+A: The Toxicity of Trichothecenes - Insights Into This Unique Group of Mycotoxins

On February 16, 2022, The Great Plains Laboratory hosted The Toxicity of Trichothecenes - Insights Into This Unique Group of Mycotoxins webinar with Kurt Woeller, DO. Mycotoxins are toxic compounds produced by many different types of molds. A certain group of mycotoxins called trichothecenes are a large group of chemically related compounds produced by such molds as Fusarium and Stachybotrys. Trichothecenes have some unique toxicity effects, including on cellular production of proteins, DNA synthesis, and more. This lecture explored various mycotoxins within the trichothecene family and some of their related cytotoxicities.

The following Q+A is a grouping of responses from Dr. Woeller’s presentation.

Webinar Attendee Q+A

Q: Is it true that ammonia is an electron donor that degrades the integrity of the epoxide ring?

A: Amines are derived from ammonia and amines can act as nucleophile which attack the epoxide ring - 


Q: Dr. Ritchie Shoemaker has deemphasized mycotoxins as a cause of CIRS, saying they are less than 7% of gene activations. He has substituted endotoxins and actinomycetes. Many of his practitioners are saying this doesn't matter, because the structure of these toxins is "all the same.” This has caused them to discount Stachybotrys. Can you address Dr. Shoemakers altered position on toxic mold?

A: I have not dived deeply in Dr. Shoemaker’s claims. From my research, various mycotoxins can be significantly problematic for various reasons through their biological functions. A chemical may have a similar chemical structure on paper, but even subtle differences based on changing functional groups, positions of these groups on the molecule which can alter the chemicals orbital configurations, etc. are sometimes enough to change its cellular reactivity. 


Q: Do the same things occur in the body when these are inhaled vs being absorbed in the GI or skin? 

A: Yes, from my research and understanding. Now, there certainly could be some differences in specific cellular responses within the gut versus the skin, but when these toxins find their way into the lymphatic system, and eventually the bloodstream their distribution throughout the body to other organ systems should be the same.


Q: Which probiotics are low in histamine? 

A: Here is the link from presentation. This article is a good place to start your research.


Q: I am curious of your thoughts on the carnivore diet for patients?

A: I have not looked into this.


Q: What does PQQ mean?

A: Pyrroloquinoline Quinone – stimulates mitogenesis

The material contained within this article and webinar is not intended to replace the services and/or medical advice of a licensed healthcare practitioner, nor is it meant to encourage diagnosis and treatment of disease. It is for educational purposes only. Any application of suggestions set forth in the portions of this article is at the reader's discretion and sole risk. Implementation or experimentation with any supplements, herbs, dietary changes, medications, and/or lifestyle changes, etc., is done so at your sole risk and responsibility.

Kurt Woeller, DO

Kurt N. Woeller, DO, has been an integrative medicine physician and biomedical Autism specialist for over 20+ years. He is an author of several health books including Autism – The Road To Recovery, Methyl-B12 Therapy For Autism, Methyl-B12 for Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia, and 5 Things You MUST Do Right Now To Help With Your Rheumatoid Arthritis. He is an international speaker, educator, and practicing clinician offering specialized interventions for individuals with complex medical conditions. His health consulting practice for Autism alone is multinational with families from various countries. Dr. Woeller serves as a clinical and lab consult for Functional Medicine Clinical Rounds, as well as provides educational seminars for Great Plains Laboratory. He is co-founder of Integrative Medicine Academy (www.IntegrativeMedicineAcademy.com), which is an online training academy for health practitioners learning integrative medicine.