
Lindsay Goddard has been outstanding in offering detailed interpretations of two sets of comprehensive labs for my clients - OATs, GPL-TOX, Mycotoxins and Glyphosate. GPL offers me the ability to seek out root causes that have not been revealed through genetic testing and routine labs. I am very grateful to the decades of research and extensive resource library that you offer. Best news of all, my clients are improving.

Maggie Alexander

I want to let you know that my son’s cholesterol went up 20 points to 131 after taking cholesterol for a month. He is improving wonderfully; however, the proof is in way more than the numbers. Babbling is back and he is watching my lips when I talk to him. He understands and follows verbal commands. He learned to give himself a drink from a cup (I used to give him a bottle) during the first month on cholesterol, two weeks ago he learned to climb stairs and yesterday he fed himself with a spoon. Best of all, he is happy now! He smiles and laughs with people!!! At 12 months of age my son would be best described as catatonic, rather than autistic - he was extremely severe.

Donna, Kansas City, MO Mother with a 12-month-old son

My son was put on cholesterol. His DAN doctor tested his cholesterol levels because all of a sudden we had some serious behavioral backsliding going on…migraines were reappearing and he was becoming somewhat aggressive again. His cholesterol total was only 89…so he was really low. Since being place on cholesterol, his temperament has stabilized and once again he is a sweet and kind boy. He also is no longer suffering from migraine headaches.

Erica, Colorado Springs, CO

My son’s cholesterol number came back to 106, the lowest our DAN’s office had seen. We have been on cholesterol for 2 days and my son has been making great eye contact and been very interested in connecting with me. I haven’t done anything else new in a while so I am pretty excited that this might be doing something.

Karen, Austin, TX 

Cholesterol raised my son’s levels from 117 to 159. We have to give 5 capsules a day to maintain that cholesterol level but we had a dramatic decrease in his aggression at school overnight when we started it. His teachers and therapists all asked us what we were doing. It was amazing for us.

Frank, Oklahoma City, OK

My son is significantly less aggressive when on just one capsule of cholesterol.  He stopped head banging and being aggressive towards others; in addition, after a couple of months on the product, he started to spell for the first time. I stopped giving it for one week and his aggressiveness came back, so I am a believer.

Mary, Atlanta, GA

I had the privilege of hearing Dr. Shaw at a Restorative Medicine conference. He is a brilliant researcher and excellent lecturer. Most of the information was not only clinically pertinent, but applicable diagnostically and therapeutically. Rare combination of basic science applied physiologically. Fibromyalgia and bowel dysbiosis are both issues that are being clinically missed. His lecture made m revisit the topic.

Karan Y Baucom, MD

One of the best tests to detect mycotoxins is from Great Plains Laboratory.

Emerging evidence between depression, anxiety,  and exposure to mold has surfaced. It is thought to be associated with many complex health problems. Black mold species such as Aspergillus, Fusarium and Stachybotrys produce mycotoxins that are toxic to central parts of the body, including the brain.

Many mycotoxins are neurotoxins causing lesions in the brain in the grey matter and the white matter. This directly affects the frontal cortex, cause dopamine dysfunction which can create psychological disorders like anxiety or depression. These disorders occurs when the nerve cells in the brain that make dopamine are slowly destroyed. Without dopamine, the nerve cells in that part of the brain cannot properly send messages.

Mold is a biotoxin, and it releases toxic gas and spores into the air. When the toxins enter your body, via skin or air, the toxic gases cause a disturbance in many organs, including your brain.

Brown University conducted a series of cases linking mold, anxiety, and depression back in 2007. This was a large study, analyzing data from 5,882 adults in 2,982 households. Molds are toxins, and some research has indicated that these toxins can affect the nervous system or the immune system or impede the function of the frontal cortex.

Mold spores act as irritants, which can trigger the body to mount an immune response. This can lead to inflammation throughout the body. Inflammation in the brain can impair cognitive function, and in the case of chronic inflammation, this can lead to long-lasting cognitive impairment.

Mold is a sometimes silent and yet formidable trigger of symptoms. It is lurking in our homes, offices, cars, washing machines, and bathrooms without notice. It is quite literally a silent but deadly killer of our immune system and trigger of brain-related issues. If you have been exposed, you must detox mold from your body as soon as possible.

Ronald Grisanti D.C., D.A.B.C.O., DACBN, MS, CFMP

I have no words to thank you!  My son is taking! Recognising emotions. He can read (he is only 3yo), his concentration improved, his response to pain has improved, his physical coordination improved, he is no longer hyperactive! I give him all the supplements you have advised and some more. He was in intensive speech therapy and sensory integration therapy. I am now reading about the methylation panel and I think we will have to do this too.  I can’t describe how happy we all are and I would like to thank you for this! Thank YOU and all GPL team! You are changing people’s lives! I love you guys!

Farida from Cardiff

I have been using Great Plains Laboratory for several years, and find them to be a professional and reputable laboratory. I always say I wouldn’t be in practice without them, because their tests have helped me heal so many of my patients. Dr Shaw and his staff are always kind, and helpful. I have spoken with Dr Shaw on many occasions and he is always willing to get on the phone and answer any questions I might have. Their test results are easy to read and understand and the commentary provided is a great help.

Elaine Hardy, MS, RN, APN, C

I had switched to another lab to try to save my patients some money on IgG testing. The other lab didn’t seem to be as accurate, and was giving odd results, such as PINTO beans, when I knew from other lab testing, that there may have been gluten or casein issues. Thus, I have switched BACK to Great Plains for my IgG testing, and do not plan to switch again. It’s worth the $219 to get accurate results. When I cross check the results from Great Plains with conventional labs’ IgG testing for gluten and casein, (such as testing thru quest or Labcorp for gliadin IgG or casein IgG),  the results match up and correlate. I am very happy with the IgG test results from Great Plains. I always say that without this valuable test, I would not be in practice. It has helped so many of my patients!! Recently, I had a patient with the most severe case of eczema I had ever seen in my practice. The parents came to me as a last resort after seeing multiple specialists, allergists and dermatologists. We did the Great Plains IgG testing that we saw he was sensitive to the usual gluten, dairy and eggs, and promptly removed these foods. Beef had also come up very elevated, but I had initially ignored that result, thinking that beef is a rather ‘benign’ food. Finally once we removed beef, the eczema cleared completely! So if it were not for this testing, this child would still be suffering. It’s well worth the $219.

Elaine Hardy, MS, RN, APN, C

As always, it was a great pleasure and comfort to speak with you today. I cannot imagine ourselves without the generous and knowledgeable service you, Dr. Shaw, and all the staff at GPL. We are eternally grateful for your support in the amazing and continuing progress our son, Eli, has achieved in the past 3 years -- ever since we first had him tested by GPL (and your help with his GF/CF diet). Thank you.

Sincerely, Jeffrey Chong

Being a biomedical autism treatment specialist for over a decade now I have garnered a lot of knowledge and experience regarding biomedical intervention, clinical laboratory testing, biochemistry, and clinical application of various therapies with respects to individuals on the autism-spectrum. Much of this information has come from information obtained from Great Plains Laboratory testing and William Shaw, Ph.D. Dr. Shaw’s laboratory provides in-depth analysis of various biochemical imbalances, including the impact of yeast and bacteria toxins on physiological systems, as well as a host of other data that is extremely useful in the investigation for biomedical issues for patients with chronic illnesses. Dr. Shaw himself is library of knowledge that more physicians and health care practitioners should take advantage of. I highly recommend attending seminars in which Dr. Shaw is presenting, as well as written material he provides. As far as Great Plains Laboratory, I incorporate their testing on a daily basis in my clinical practice and I would recommend other doctors do as well.

Kurt N. Woeller, D.O.

I am glad to testify to the blessings that GPL has given me! I have no doubt that it was a miracle that I learned about Great Plains Laboratory just as I was starting my Wellness and Nutrition Medicine practice. I am a board certified Neurologist who is disillusioned and worn out by the current medical model. I knew that pharmaceutical products are not the pathway to healing, and that excellent nutrition is one of the prerequisites to healing, but I did not fully appreciate the damage done by our extremely toxic environment and have observed that nutrition alone may not be sufficient for healing. Dr Shaw's excellent articles about the underlying causes of a variety of diseases, and his willingness to share personally with the practitioner his knowledge of possible treatment strategies have become the bedrock of my practice. GPL is just about the only lab that I need, and I email the Great Plains Lab website to my friends all over the country as I attempt to answer their health questions online. The site also gives me documentation to show to my own patients to teach them and to assure them that I am not making this up! The staff support in interpreting labs has also been indispensable to me. GPL has always treated me with integrity, reliability, and great kindness. I consider myself immeasurably fortunate to have been able to join their team of providers!

Carol E. Benoit, D.O.  

I just wanted to very much thank you for all the effort that you have made to get us/ me such good service. I do realise that it must have been lots of work and organisation for you and you deserve to be thanked for that. I think I finally found how to get my patients better help, which I really wanted so much for a long time now! All your people have given us such good service. I'm very thankful for that.

Sonja Faries, MD

I've read some articles on your site, and they are quite helpful. A few weeks ago I saw an 18-month-old neurotypical girl who had begun poking her eyes.  I had no idea why she was doing this, until a week later when I read Dr Shaw's article about eye poking in autism related to high oxalic acid. She had recently been getting less dairy due to GI discomfort, and when I ran labs, she had elevated IgE to casein. She is on a children's chewable calcium supplement now, and her eye poking has improved. I'm looking forward to Dr Shaw's talk on this topic.  

Janna Jennnigs, MD

I want to express my sincere thanks to you.  I will always remember our first phone call. I knew so little and was so overwhelmed. I credit you with setting us on the right path. The information, resources, and products were exactly what was needed. You are so sincere and generous in your willingness to help. Justin is still in the process of healing, but he is moving in such a positive direction, I can practically taste recovery! Please know that you were (and are) part of making this happen. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you

Gail Chang

Dr. Woeller & Great Plains saved our son! We recently were able to visit some family out of state. We had seen them last over a year ago, and prior to the Testing, GFCF diet & Supplements. Every time we would see them before, Hayden would not interact with any of them he refused to eat, tantrums, and was stuck to me the entire time. This time was different. He loved seeing his family and went out of his way to give all of them hugs & kisses. He talked to all of them and played with his cousin for hours. He is eating like he should. They all told us how different he is now and how much he has changed from the way he was a year ago. They all said he was like a new child and were very happy to see him doing so well. Thank all of you for everything you do to help our son!

Dave, Monica & Hayden Smith

As the parent of a son with autism, I would like to thank Dr. Shaw and GPL for all you do for families dealing with autism. Your tests, free webinars, and the wealth of research posted on your Facebook page and website are truly valuable!

Pam Byrne

My son was diagnosed severely autistic on February 5th, 2014 and the first thing our doctor did was to order an Organic Acids Test to have an idea of what we were fighting against. It was the very beginning of our journey. We would like to thank Dr. Shaw, also. My son’s original ATEC was 118. As of October 2015 it was down to 66. My son went from completely silent to VERBAL. You guys are a part of our victories too! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!

Michelle Roberta

We are extremely grateful for the services that GPL provides not only to us practitioners, but to families.  Thank you!

Tyler Dahm, Pathways Natural Wellness Center

Dr. Shaw, I would like to take this time to give you my sincere thanks. As I have told Kris, on many occasions, the very first book  I read on autism was "Biological Treatments". It truly changed the way I looked at things and was my reference guide for years. I diligently tried to get everyone I knew affected by autism to read it. That was over 5 years ago. Today things have changed. Biological markers and treatments for ASD are now being taken more seriously. It gives me great pleasure to be able to give the parents resource options. Biological Treatments, to me, is still the best book written on the subject. I want to thank you for donating the books to The E.C.H.O. Foundation. I have already had the great pleasure of selling some to parents and practitioners. Your generosity will truly change lives. Thank you again.

Dotty Scalco, Founder/ Director, The E.C.H.O. Foundation, Educating on Children's Health Options

Dear Dr. Shaw, In response to our conversation we had recently, I would like to state for the record the following:  I believe the Great Plains Food Allergy Panel is a phenomenal tool that I have implemented in my practice on a daily basis to help treat patients for a wide variety of symptoms....i.e. headaches, ibs, fatigue, abdominal pain, dermatitis, hair loss, joint pain, acne, thyroid disorders, and vitamin deficiencies. I believe I am a better physician due to this testing transforming my ability to properly diagnosis and treat patients effectively. Also, as we discussed I would appreciate any journals or medical documentation you can send me that will help facilitate my patients to get these tests covered by their insurance.

Sincerely, Bridget Briggs, M.D. 

I want to thank Dr Shaw for the lecture he gave and his dedication to biochemical findings for mental health pathologies. I have followed his work for about 6 years now. After his most recent lecture here in Toronto, I gave my son niacin 500mg and his ticks stopped within 2 days and, although I didn’t do a baseline to determine quinolinic acid potential, I’m convinced his symptoms abated due to B3’s ability to vent away from the quinolinic acid pathway.

Sincere Regards, Ray Pataracchia BSc ND

Great Plains Laboratory provides me with information which has not only changed the lives of my patients and their families for the better but enables me to link otherwise puzzling symptoms with correctable causes far more completely than other labs I have used. It has been extremely interesting and just plain FUN to see patients with "chronic" illnesses improve dramatically or even recover as a result of using information from Great Plains. The reports are easy to read and arrive in a timely manner. Helpful, friendly technical support is readily available when needed. The clinician training courses the Great Plains Lab provides are invaluable too; these are a great way to learn about the science behind the tests, the pathology and treatments as well as to meet the people you'll be dealing with at the lab. 

Deborah Nash, MD

Thanks Kurt for your outstanding presentation last Saturday in DC. The Great Plains crew with Lori from New Beginnings and Scott Shaw did an outstanding job, and the audience was a real delight. I strongly recommend to anyone that they spend a day with Kurt at the next available OAT workshop as he covers these dosing strategy details and many more [discussed at that presentation] - well worth it - high utilitarian, everyday value mixed with your thoughtful, data-driven experience. Much appreciation!

Charles Parker, MD  

After identifying a low serotonin level on an Organic Acid Test (a hallmark functional medicine test), a severely depressed and suicidal man began taking 100mg of 5htp twice a day (5htp is the direct precursor to serotonin). After 2 days, he said his depression virtually disappeared and he was no longer suicidal. I love when I can identify a biochemical glitch and someone can have such a profound emotional turn around.

Dr. Josh Friedman, Integrative Psychotherapy of Omaha

The Organic Acids Test has brought new meaning to my specialized practice in women's health. This test has allowed me to investigate more deeply the chronic issues that contribute to female related conditions like PMS, uterine fibroids, endometriosis, chronic UTIs and vulvodynia. I have had a great deal of success in treating complicated PMS cases that didn't respond to typical female hormone balancing therapies. Since utilizing the OAT, it has provided me with a variety of information to determine the underlying cause of female related issues. Some of the markers that I find valuable for women's health issues are the bacterial and yeast metabolites, oxalates, B vitamins, vitamin C, and pyroglutamic acid. I have been so impressed by this test that I can't help but want to spread the word about its uses for various women's health conditions!

Jennifer, N.D.

I believe the Great Plains IgG Food Allergy Test is a phenomenal tool that I have implemented in my practice on a daily basis to help treat patients for a wide variety of symptoms....i.e. headaches, IBS, fatigue, abdominal pain, dermatitis, hair loss, joint pain, acne, thyroid disorders, and vitamin deficiencies. I believe I am a better physician due to this testing transforming my ability to properly diagnosis and treat patients effectively. 

Bridget B., M.D.

My son was very severe... He has completely recovered, thanks to all of your research and the yeast testing. He is now entering 9th grade in a regular ed class, he plays ice hockey, has won spelling bees, and enjoys life. He is a loving, kind, sociable child. Thank you so much.

Yours, Mary Holford

We have noticed....much improvement in hyperactivity, more eye contact, increased vocalization, better sleep pattern, better concentration, decrease of compulsive behaviors and self-injury. The positive impact of your findings on our son's life and our family cannot be described in words.


...[J.] currently was found to have elevated metabolites from colonic yeast, [detected by] urine testing performed by the Great Plains Lab. This led to treatment with Nystatin and the disappearance of what can be major behavioral problems!! If medication is missed the behavior problems reappear! The potential to function as a more normal person has increased. Much more with reality, little self-stimulation, good eye contact usually and sometimes affectionate. Since the Nystatin treatment, understandable speech has increased: this is still an area in which much work is needed. Example - Last night, with deliberate effort, J. said, "It's time to go home." Nystatin has been the ONLY thing that has truly been helpful over the years. Since this therapy has been significantly helpful, it gives one hope that further help is yet possible, despite the fact that J. is no longer a young child."

Mother from Springfield, MO

I would like to thank you for the orientation and tests that you provided for my son …, who since starting the recommended diet improved greatly in his language abilities. The constant irritation on his skin, which showed his allergic reaction, also disappeared.


I just want to say thank you, now our son shows the person he really is, a lovable, tender and sensitive kid who can enjoy so many things in life.


I just want to express my sincerest gratitude for your research and commitment to helping people. If it were not for your work, I honestly believe that my son would not be talking, socializing nor making the remarkable progress that he has been making in the past five months since starting the GFCF diet.


Within a few weeks of starting treatment for the yeast and bacterial problems I started feeling better than I had felt in years.

Yvonne Keeny, Director of Fibromyalgia Coalition International

I would like to tell you that the attention I received seemed magnificent to me, I’ve even encouraged many other parents I know to do these tests, which are indispensable for their kid’s improvement and better future!

Mother of a child with autism in Mexico

If you are a practitioner and you are not familiar with the Organic Acids Test (OAT), you should be. It tests a broad spectrum of compounds in the urine that reflect a host of processes in the body, including cellular processes. The creation of Safe Harbor's website, AlternativeMentalHealth.com, was inspired by a man we worked with for several months whose wife became psychotic. Finally, an OAT revealed she had apparently been exposed to a toxin, depleting her glutathione. She was treated for a glutathione deficiency and went from nearly catatonic to normal in a month. We created the website so people can find practitioners who know to look for such underlying factors.

Dan Stradford, Founder of Safe Harbor for Alternative Mental Health


Thank you for such an enlightening webinar. Dr. Woeller did an excellent job of describing what happens. This information meant more, and explained more about the interaction of genetic predisposition and environmental factors, than anything I've encountered yet.

Bonnie Patton

The webinars put on by Great Plains lab are wonderful. I really appreciate the ability to get information that is reliable. While we have a wonderful DAN! dr, I still appreciate the opportunity to receive information from other sources, since we never know who might have the key to recovering our children. 

I really enjoyed the webinar on reading the organic acid test as it was very detailed and gave me a lot of information that I haven’t really been able to find online, and don’t always have time to go over line by line with our doctor. 

It would be great to have more webinars on other forms of test like the urinary porphyrins test, and others commonly prescribed to children with Autism. 

Stacy Mincey

Thank you so much for allowing so many of us to experience this seminar. It was so informative and very practical. I was so impressed that you allowed us to experience this free of charge. 

I have a 4-year-old whose neurologist says he has "symptoms" of Aspergers and a 7-year-old with severe stomach issues. Since we have no Dan Dr. in our area this was indeed a treat for me as I have been researching on the web how to help children with autism and have had success using some of these guidelines for my own two children when the medical Dr.'s in the area did not have any help for me. Most of the help I have received has come from my son's OT's.  So thank you once again!!!!

Sincerely, Pam Detweiler

Just dropping in to let you know the most recent webinar on pitfalls etc was particularly good. I always get a lot out of Dr. Woeller's webinars but this one was especially helpful since it featured specific problems like sleep issues and aggression. He discussed specific (potential) remedies to target these problems which was extremely useful. Though he didn't dwell on any one topic very long he still offered some detailed comments that gave parents superior guidance over a simple list of "try this" items. For example, he made a distinction with sleep regarding "falling asleep" vs. "night time waking" and offered direction/remedies to target more specifically than most docs do when giving presentations. He also helps take out the guesswork for parents by naming specific GPL tests and New Beginning products. By comparison speakers at in-person conferences seem too concerned about offending exhibitors to give parents very specific information that saves parents confusion in selecting products and tests. Great webinar! 


I am always most appreciative to have the opportunity to view GPL webinars. Dr. Woeller’s Live Presentation last week was exceptionally valuable to me. I had been Dx Dementia in 2011.

It has been an amazing journey of optimizing personal wellness. This latest OATs presentation inspired me to re-read Lonsdale’s book on thiamine metabolism, and deep dive published research for connections to environmental exposure metabolites.

My health had deteriorated rapidly since moving to my new home, in spite of my best efforts. GPL-OATs, GPL-MycoTox Panel and GPL-Tox Non-Metal Chemical Profile have elucidated the reasons for these serious health challenges.

GPL webinars, and Dr. Woeller and Dr. Tranchitella’s ‘LabTestsPlus’ have inspired and empowered me to once again, re-establish new neural pathways and protect my system’s interconnectedness.

With profound gratitude, Kathy Gaita, Orlando, FL

Dear Dr. Shaw and Great Plains Laboratory, Thank you for the wonderful work you do to help children with autism. My son's health has greatly improved because we implemented treatments based upon the results of the organic acids test run through GPL. The results and clearly written narratives you provide with testing enabled his doctor to recommend appropriate nutritional and medical intervention. In addition, we have seen significant benefits to adding New Beginnings Nutritionals lithium to his regimen after reading Dr. Shaw's article in the Great Plains Laboratory newsletter last winter. Since he started on the lithium supplement seven months ago, his behavior has been much better; he is healthy, happy, and much less prone to meltdowns. In fact, he is the best he has ever been. The positive changes we've seen in him since adding lithium are miraculous, and we feel blessed to see him doing so well. My husband and I are grateful for all your research and willingness to share it because our son is better, thanks to your work. Sincerely, 

Pam Byrne