clinicians: frequently asked questions

What credentials are required to test with your laboratory?

Each state has different regulations which govern the scope of practice for the practitioner. It is the responsibility of the practitioner to work within the rules and guidelines of the state. You may check with your state board of health for clarification about the specific restrictions that your state may have with regard to laboratory testing. The Great Plains Laboratory accepts authorization from Medical Doctors (MD), Osteopathic Doctors (DO), Chiropractors (DC), Naturopathic Doctors (ND), Doctors of Philosophy in Psychology, Biochemistry, Toxicology, and Nursing (PhD), Doctors of Oriental Medicine (DOM), Licensed Acupuncturist (Lac), Physicians Assistants (PA), Nurse Practitioners (ARNP), Nurse Midwives (CNM), Certified Nutritionists (CCN), and Registered Dietitians (RD). The Great Plains Laboratory does not offer testing in New York.

Does insurance cover your testing?

Specific information about insurance reimbursement is explained on our insurance page.

Do you provide interpretation with testing?

Yes, The Great Plains Laboratory, LLC provides a written interpretation with most of our test results. These interpretations do not take into account medical history or other considerations that may complicate the diagnosis. As such, the laboratory will offer consultations with physicians at no charge whenever the physician has questions or needs assistance. The laboratory will also provide physician training seminars for practitioners who are interested in getting more in-depth with the diagnosis and treatment.

Do you have a special discount for physicians?

Yes, The Great Plains Laboratory, LLC will provide a discount rate to physicians who have established an account by means of the New Client Form. A physician information guide including the physician price list will automatically be sent to you when you fill out the new client form. We are unable to provide the discounted rate to physicians who file Medicare and to physicians in the state of New Jersey. The Great Plains Laboratory does not perform testing in New York State.

What are the turn around times for test results?

Turn around times vary by the test. Most tests are available in 2-4 weeks time.

Who will receive the results?

The physician can indicate who will get test results by filling out the New Client Form. We will always send a copy to the authorizing physician. The physician can indicate whether or not The Great Plains Laboratory, LLC should send test results to the patient by checking the appropriate box on the New Client Form.

How many kits can I order for stock?

We recommend that you order no more than a 3 month supply, since kit components expire. Please contact Customer Service to order test kits (800) 288-0383.

I've looked over the information here, but I still have questions...

Please submit a question or contact us, and we would be happy to help you select the appropriate testing for your individual situation or answer any other questions you may have. You can also learn more about us or our privacy practices on this website. You are encouraged to participate in our free webinars where you can get detailed answers to many questions.