Tracy Tranchitella ND

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) Options - Revisited

BHRT can be an effective method for replacing diminished sex hormones such as estrogen and testosterone. This lecture by Dr. Tracy Tranchitella will discuss modes of delivery (e.g. oral, transdermal), best absorption, follow-up testing and more.

Considerations In The Causes And Treatment Of Acne

Acne is a skin problem that affects millions of individuals, particularly teenagers. It can lead to many psychological challenges for males and females and in severe cases cause facial scarring. There are many causes of acne and some effective treatments. This lecture will focus on integrative medicine options for acne.

Circadian Rhythm, Sleep And Hormone Balance

We live in a world where we can extend our daytime activities well into the night but what has this done to our patterns of sleep, hormone production and overall well-being? The circadian rhythm is the 24-hour cycle of light and dark that we experience every day. Our response to light during the day and darkness at night sets the timing of key biological events, hormone production, detoxification and mechanisms for rest, recovery and repair.

This webinar will discuss the importance of adherence to patterns of sleep, food consumption and activity that support human physiology and can result in better hormone balance, stress tolerance, weight management and more.

The COVID-19 Crisis – Suggestions for Maintaining Health and Wellness

The current COVID-19 crisis has been an unexpected event around the world. It is causing tremendous turmoil with regards to health care systems, economies, and personal health and well-being. Even though much of what’s happening within our respective countries is out of our personal control, we all as individuals can do our part to try and keep ourselves and family healthy. This lecture by Kurt N. Woeller, D.O. and Tracy Tranchitella, N.D., of Sunrise Functional Medicine and Integrative Medicine Academy, will explore various strategies they are doing personally in attempts to maintain health and wellness both physically and psychologically.